257 research outputs found

    Rubel's problem on bounded analytic functions

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    The paper shows that for any GδG_\delta set FF of Lebesgue measure zero on the unit circle TT there exists a function fHf \in H^{\infty} such that the radial limits of ff exist at each point of TT and vanish precisely on FF. This solves a problem proposed by Lee Rubel in 1973


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    Throughout her Negotiation and Mediation course at the University of California, Irvine School of Law, Professor Carrie Menkel-Meadow1 instructed her students to be prudent, diligent, creative and cooperative negotiators. This note is based on an assignment from Professor Menkel-Meadow’s course and is thus subject to inherent limitations in its scope. As a renowned national and international expert in alternative dispute resolution (ADR), Professor Menkel-Meadow facilitated the growth and frequency of use of ADR in the United States since the late 1970s and early 1980s, and has continued to develop this field of study to present day. This note focuses on three concepts that make a negotiator effective: (1) necessity of strategic and thorough preparation before negotiations; (2) use of framing and establishment of reputation during negotiations; and (3) flexibility in resorting to facilitated mediation. My analysis of these concepts is discussed through the thirteen days of negotiations between President John F. Kennedy (JFK) and Soviet Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev (Khrushchev) during the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis. This paper is divided into two major components. First, I will analyze the United States’ initial contemplation in response to evidence of the Soviet Union’s construction of offensive-weapon bases in Cuba. Then, I will analyze the correspondences between JFK and Khrushchev leading up to the United Nations-based mediation sessions

    In situ conservation of crop wild relatives

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    Poster presented at 13. Meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA) held in FAO, Rome (Italy), 18-22 Feb 200

    The Active Mirror Control of the MAGIC Telescope

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    One of the main design goals of the MAGIC telescopes is the very fast repositioning in case of Gamma Ray Burst (GRB) alarms, implying a low weight of the telescope dish. This is accomplished by using a space frame made of carbon fiber epoxy tubes, resulting in a strong but not very rigid support structure. Therefore it is necessary to readjust the individual mirror tiles to correct for deformations of the dish under varying gravitational load while tracking an object. We present the concept of the Active Mirror Control (AMC) as implemented in the MAGIC telescopes and the actual performance reached. Additionally we show that also telescopes using a stiff structure can benefit from using an AMC.Comment: Contribution to the 30th ICRC, Merida, Mexico, July 2007 on behalf of the MAGIC Collaboratio

    Эндоскопическая диагностика и лечение ятрогенных разрывов трахеи

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    Abstract Respiratory tract trauma is not only the result of injuries to the chest and neck, but may be iatrogenic as well. Diagnosis of iatrogenic damage to the trachea is based on data from clinical and instrumental studies. Among the instrumental diagnostic measures, preference is given to early fibrobronchoscopy.The aim of the study is to assess the possibilities of fiberoptic bronchoscopy in the diagnosis of iatrogenic tracheal injuries. Materials and methods. This study analyzed the use of fiberoptic bronchoscopy in 51 patients with suspected iatrogenic damage to the trachea. For iatrogenic ruptures of the trachea, the location on the posterior (membranous) wall and the longitudinal direction (100%), as well as location in the lower and middle thoracic sections of the trachea (71.4%), are typical.Conclusion Bronchoscopy is a direct method for diagnosing this type of damage, which allows the location, size of the defect and tactics to be accurately determined.РЕЗЮМЕ Повреждения дыхательных путей являются не только следствием травмы груди и шеи, но и носят ятрогенный характер. Диагностика ятрогенных повреждений трахеи основывается на данных клинических и инструментальных исследований. Среди инструментальных диагностических мероприятий предпочтение отдается ранней фибробронхоскопии.ЦЕЛЬ Оценка возможностей фибробронхоскопии в диагностике ятрогенных повреждений трахеи.МАТЕРИАЛ И МЕТОДЫ В данном исследовании проведен анализ использования фибробронхоскопии у 51 пациента с подозрением на ятрогенное повреждение трахеи. Для ятрогенных разрывов трахеи типичными являются расположение на задней (мембранозной) стенке и продольное направление (100%), а также локализация в нижне- и среднегрудном отделах трахеи (71,4%).ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЕ Бронхоскопия является прямым методом диагностики этого вида повреждения, которая позволяет точно установить локализацию, размеры дефекта и определить тактику ведения данной категории больных

    Red list assessment of nine Aegilops species in Armenia

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    The aims of this study are to determine the geographical and ecological distribution of nine Aegilops species in Republic of Armenia and to make an assessment of their IUCN Red List status, using the IUCN Red list categories and criteria, in order to develop an in situ conservation strategy for wild relatives of wheat in Armenia. Ecogeographic surveys of nine Aegilops species were undertaken over 2 years in Armenia. They included a herbarium survey followed by extensive ground-truthing field surveys where targeted Aegilops species occur. The study showed that of the nine Aegilops species studied, four are threatened and of these, Ae. mutica and Ae. crassa are critically endangered. The latter species may even be extinct in Armenia. Ae. neglecta and A. biuncialis are endangered. Additional studies are required to assess the threat status of Ae. umbellulata. Ae. columnaris was assessed as near threatened, while the remaining species (Ae. triuncialis, Ae. cylindrica and Ae. tauschii) are of least concern. There has been a dramatic decline in the genetic resources of Aegilops species during recent years in Armenia as a result of adverse human impacts such as expansion of agriculture, urbanization and uncontrolled grazing. Several species, especially Ae. mutica and Ae. crassa, should be prioritized in conservation activities in Armenia. Efforts should be made to conserve genetic diversity of crop wild relative species both in situ and ex situ, bearing in mind that their germplasm carries potentially valuable information (traits) that can improve adaptability and productivity of cultivated wheat varieties